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The 2020 NPT Power & Influence Top 50
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Peace, Not War In The Office

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Peace, Not War In The Office
People whose personality or management styles are polar opposites can find common ground and manage to co-exist, maybe even thrive, that’s if anyone ever gets back to the office. In her book “The Genius of Opposites,” Jennifer B. Kahnweiler suggests dealing with friction caused by introvert-extrovert opposites by focusing on outcomes and seeing the genius […]
The 2020 NPT Power & Influence Top 50
Nonprofit Leaders Answer The Call Amid Pandemic, Social Unrest ***** Americans have always been charitable with their money and time. The U.S. tax system was just five years old and included a tax exemption for gifts to charities when the H1N1 pandemic of 1918 struck the world, infecting 500 million people and killing 50 million, […]
MacKenzie (Bezos) Scott Starts Giving With $1.7 Billion
Nonprofits focused on equity, climate change, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), and nonprofit infrastructure organizations were among those that received some of MacKenzie Scott’s $1.7-billion largesse to charities in the past year — all in unrestricted giving to provide flexibility. Scott is among the wealthiest women in America after her divorce from Amazon founder […]
原来,中国人欺负印度人都到这种程度了? - huanqiu.com:2021-8-12 · 交友软件引诱被害人 天津警方捣毁电信诈骗窝点11个破案200余起 6岁男孩操控方向盘上路,妈妈竟还发朋友圈炫耀!社评:拿攻击世卫助选,这很不道德
Charities in the United Kingdom held just enough “free reserves” — unencumbered funds — to cover two months’ operating expenditures before country went into lockdown at the end of March. That compares with three months’ worth of reserves in 2017, per a report from Zavantem, Belgium-based BDO Global, an accounting and business advisory conglomerate. When […]
中国赴美留学生注册率下滑 或忧毕业后能否留美工作 ...:2021-7-13 · 80后“超算导师”付昊桓:超算软件研发更需“愚公移山”精神 多部门出台一系列措施 让货币政策工具直达实体经济 医院遭患者欠费的隐痛:电话追讨常被“拉黑” 杭州男孩走进派出所:“我妈妈让我来自首!” 社评:新发现越来越多,看华盛顿如何演下去
Harlem Children’s Zone (HCZ) will receive a $26-million commitment through The Audacious Project to inject vital resources into six communities nationwide that have historically faced neglect and disinvestment as part of its response to COVID-19. HCZ aims to raise $50 million to support implementation of COVID-19 relief efforts. The newly launched William Julius Wilson Institute […]
Donation Pages – You Have Just 1 Minute
A majority of Giving Tuesday donors on the Classy platform do not return until the next holiday season, but 31 percent of those who return to make a second donation do so within six months. That’s one of the nuggets found in “The State of Modern Philanthropy: Deconstructing the Online Donor Journey” by Classy, a […]
Nonprofits Awarded 4% of All PPP Loans
vpn被封翻墙党该何去何从?App Store连接不上如何解决?(图 ...:2021-1-29 · 据悉,是谷歌免费公用DNS。网友认为进行这一修改,可以解决一些服务商的DNS解析问题。此前,也有消息称,修改后,可加速应用下载。 2021年12月初,国家互联网信息办公室主任鲁炜在赴美国考察时,曾与苹果CEO蒂姆·库克会面。
Best NonProfit Workplaces Were Already Remote
Everyone and their brother, or sister, now works from home out of necessity because of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The best nonprofits to work for seemed to have been ahead of the curve and innovative before it was fashionable, or in some cases, necessary. Many of the organizations recognized in the 2020 Best Nonprofits To Work […]
Instagram Launches Personal Fundraising Option
Instagram launched a personal fundraiser function yesterday, starting with tests in the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland. More than $65 million has been raised on Facebook and Instagram for COVID-related fundraisers globally since January. Donations on Instagram doubled in the past 30 days compared to the prior 30 days, according to Instagram. Posts mentioning […]
AFP Survey Paints Gloomy Fundraising Picture Through 2021
There’s bad news, as far as nonprofits’ prospects for fundraising are concerned. Leadership in more than half — 56 percent — believe they will raise less money this year than they did last, according to the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ (AFP) Coronavirus Response Survey. Only 21 percent believe they will raise more. There is worse […]
Nonprofit Survival Tactics
It was reported on The NonProfit Times’ website on June 15 that that one-third of charities “believe they will have to shut down within the next 12 months.” Canceled events, curtailed government funding, and forced closure of business sponsors have left many organizations underwater. And with millions of people out of work, individual donations are […]